Renowned photographer Misan Harriman has had a close relationship with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, having taken family portraits for them, including a picture marking Meghan’s second pregnancy. The photos gained attention in 2021 for their symbolism and beauty, despite being taken virtually due to pandemic restrictions. In 2024, the images resurfaced amid allegations of editing, following Princess Kate Middleton’s admission of experimentation with photo editing tools. Harriman defended his work by sharing the original, unedited photo to prove its authenticity.
Despite not being able to physically be present with Harry and Meghan during the photo shoots, Harriman spoke of the emotional impact and symbolism captured in the images. He praised the couple’s love and connection, as well as the powerful meaning behind the photos. Additionally, Harriman shared his experience of working remotely with the couple due to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the importance of technology in aiding the process.
Harriman’s bond with Harry continued as he joined the prince at the Invictus Games in 2022, where he shared his admiration for the event and the impact it has had on the lives of many. The following year, he posted another portrait from the event, expressing his pride in Harry’s work and the healing community he has built through the Invictus Games. In 2022, Harriman also captured the first public photo of Harry and Meghan’s daughter Lilibet at her 1st birthday celebration, showcasing his continued collaboration with the couple.
In 2023, Meghan Markle moderated a panel screening for Harriman’s short film, ‘The After,’ where she shared insights into their relationship and discussed how Harriman bonded with their son Archie over photography. Harriman expressed gratitude for Meghan’s support and recognition of his work, describing her as a sister and celebrating her impeccable taste and depth of intention in her engagements. As his success grew, Harriman’s portrait of the duke and duchess became part of the permanent collection of the National Portrait Gallery, a milestone that he celebrated and used to empower others to pursue their dreams.
Overall, Misan Harriman’s relationship with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle extended beyond photography to encompass friendship and mutual support. Through his work, he captured meaningful moments in their lives, emphasizing the emotional depth and symbolism in his images. Despite challenges such as the pandemic and allegations of editing, Harriman’s dedication to his craft and the bond he shares with the royal couple shines through in the portraits he has captured and the success he has achieved.