The modern railway system operates a complex network of vehicles, tracks, and infrastructure that is susceptible to disruption from the latest AI innovations, including generative AI. These technologies excel at data-driven tasks that are essential for safe, efficient, and on-time delivery of goods and passengers in compliance with regulations. Leaders from some of the world’s leading railways believe that traditional and generative AI can address the industry’s biggest challenges and build resiliency for growth.
Railway operators are interested in exploring how AI advancements can improve their systems despite concerns about complexity and readiness. Infrastructure and rolling stock breakdowns can have a significant impact on the entire business, making the gains from AI implementation substantial. Dynamic maintenance, one of the top areas highlighted by rail transport leaders, can benefit from AI-based visual image recognition for spotting track defects and allocating resources more cost-effectively within maintenance windows. Generative AI tools have the potential to collect and analyze data across the railway ecosystem for quicker diagnostic and preventive maintenance.
AI has the potential to help orchestrate project management across miles of equipment and infrastructure along railway lines through ‘what if’ scenario planning. This can lead to reduced costs, improved service levels, and strategic alignment of investment decisions with organizational priorities such as safety, regulatory compliance, and growth. AI-powered asset performance management can create a people-centric workplace by providing notifications, recommendations, and predictions to help individuals meet daily and long-term responsibilities. This can increase the performance and value of railway assets while reducing downtime.
SAP’s Business AI strategy aims to provide customers with relevant, reliable, and responsible AI from real-time integrated data across various business functions. The AI copilot Joule is being embedded into the cloud-based applications portfolio to align with the railway industry’s demands for enterprise asset management. This will equip individuals with updated information to make more informed decisions faster for business benefit. AI technologies are heralding a positive disruption in the railway industry, promising advancements that will rejuvenate the sector for the next era of economic growth.