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Jeffrey D. Boldt and his wife Rebecca celebrated their 26th anniversary while she was receiving in-patient care at a hospice center for her colon cancer. On their anniversary, Jeffrey brought her an elegant blue dress, wedding pictures, and her favorite wine. Rebecca spoke about her expectations for Jeffrey after her passing, urging him to help their daughters, remember her with love, not fall apart, and not be afraid to love again. Despite her pain, she believed it would be worth it, expressing her wishes to Jeffrey.

Rebecca had been fighting cancer for almost three years, with experts at MD Anderson in Houston stating that there were no treatments on the horizon. They visited the Rothko Chapel in Houston, where they had been married, after receiving this news. Rebecca’s cancer had spread to her lungs, and they both knew that it was their last anniversary together. She expressed her guilt to Jeffrey for putting him and their daughters through the pain of her illness, emphasizing the impact on their daughters losing their mother.

Rebecca had worked in economics and had traveled extensively to help indigenous people get land titles in Ecuador, worked for the U.N. in Rome, and carried out consultancies in Africa and South America. Even in her last days, she was focused on helping others and had planned for her memorial bench along a local creek conservancy. Jeffrey recalls the moments leading up to Rebecca’s passing, including a period where she thought she was going to act in a play and her dedication to caring for her loved ones until her final moments.

After Rebecca passed away, Jeffrey found himself surrounded by grief and her belongings, struggling to find a way to navigate his new reality. He learned the importance of cherishing memories while also moving forward. With the support of friends and family, Jeffrey made it through the difficult winter months following Rebecca’s death. Months later, a call from Rebecca’s friend prompted Jeffrey to consider meeting new people, including women, showing Rebecca’s continued care and love even after her passing.

Ten years after Rebecca’s death, Jeffrey reflects on the enduring impact of her love and generosity. He acknowledges the pain of grief and the challenges of moving forward after losing a spouse. Jeffrey shares his gratitude for finding another partner and not feeling guilty about embracing a new chapter in his life, inspired by the lessons of courage, compassion, and love that Rebecca taught him. He honors Rebecca’s memory by continuing to live a life filled with love and generosity.

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