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Tiara recently shared a TikTok of her daughter Emma’s morning meltdown over not being able to take her doll to daycare, which went viral. Tiara, a Strategic Initiatives Manager at Collective Health, told BuzzFeed that she had to resign from the daycare contract and noticed a rule against bringing personal toys, which made Emma sad because she had been bringing her dolls to daycare for a year and a half. To ease the transition, Tiara decided to take Emma’s doll – named ‘Baby’ – to work and show her that the doll was in good hands.

Tiara wanted Emma to know that her doll would be well taken care of while she was at work, so she took Baby to the office with her. Her co-workers got involved in the fun, taking Baby to team huddles, work meetings, lunch, and even the first aid station. Tiara documented Baby’s eventful day at work through photos and showed them to Emma later. Emma loved it and has not had any more morning meltdowns about leaving her doll behind at daycare, showing how resilient kids can be with a little creativity and understanding from their parents.

People applauded Tiara’s parenting and the heartwarming gesture of taking Baby to work to comfort Emma. Many related to similar experiences with their own parents going the extra mile for them. They also appreciated Tiara’s co-workers for playing along and helping make Baby’s day at work so special. The video gained over 1.5 million views and served as a reminder of how a simple gesture like bringing a doll to work can make a big difference to a child.

This sweet and creative solution to Emma’s daycare dilemma has had a lasting positive effect on her. Since Baby’s day at work, Emma has not had any difficulties with the transition and now looks forward to going to school and playing with her friends, knowing that her doll will be with her mom at work. The video serves as a heartwarming reminder that small gestures of understanding and creativity from parents can have a significant impact on their children, showing that sometimes all it takes is a little extra effort to make a big difference in a child’s life. You can follow Tiara on TikTok for more heartwarming moments.

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