Lopburi, a town in central Thailand, is facing issues due to an increasing population of wild monkeys. Authorities have decided to reduce this population by baiting cages with ripe fruit in order to capture and relocate the monkeys. The aggressive behavior of the monkeys has led to injuries and economic losses, prompting the need for action to address the issue. The town, known for its monkey population, has launched an offensive against the simian raiders in an effort to control their numbers and reduce conflict.
The initial stage of the plan involved baiting cages with the monkeys’ favorite food to lure them in and trap them. Early success was seen with three monkeys falling for the trap, along with around 30 others that were captured in different parts of the town. The overall goal is to capture as many monkeys as possible to reduce the total population, which is estimated to be around 2,500. The effort will continue over a five-day period with the possibility of repetition in the future. Despite the challenges posed by the intelligence of the monkeys, authorities remain dedicated to the task at hand.
The monkeys in Lopburi have long been a symbol of the town and a major tourist attraction. However, their increasing aggression and incidents of conflict with residents have raised concerns and led to the need for population control measures. Some businesses have resorted to protective measures like wire fences to keep the monkeys out, while others have seen a decline in income and damage to their properties. The mayor of Lopburi acknowledges that while the monkeys bring in visitors, they have also had negative impacts on the local economy, leading to calls for action to address the issue.
Following the capture of the monkeys, authorities have plans to sedate them for health checks, clean and sterilize them, and tattoo them for identification purposes. They will then be transferred to holding pens outside the town center while a permanent home is sought for them. This process aims to give the monkeys a fresh start while also keeping accurate records of their movements and ensuring their well-being. Ultimately, the town of Lopburi hopes to regain the trust of its residents by addressing the issues caused by the monkey population and restoring a sense of normalcy to the community.
In conclusion, the town of Lopburi in Thailand is taking steps to address the growing population of wild monkeys that have caused issues for residents and businesses. Through a combination of baiting cages, capturing monkeys, and relocating them, authorities aim to reduce the population and minimize conflicts with humans. While the monkeys have long been a symbol of the town and a tourist attraction, their aggressive behavior and negative impacts on the local economy have prompted the need for action. By implementing a plan to capture, assess, and rehome the monkeys, Lopburi hopes to find a balance between conserving the wildlife and maintaining a safe and thriving community.