The highly anticipated Donald Trump biographical drama The Apprentice made its debut at the 77th annual Cannes Film Festival shortly after wrapping production. Directed by Ali Abbasi and written by Gabriel Sherman, the film stars Sebastian Stan as a young Trump and follows his rise to power as a New York businessman in the 1980s under the influence of his attorney Roy Cohn, played by Jeremy Strong. The film received an almost 8-minute standing ovation during its premiere at Cannes, with Abbasi addressing the choice to tell a story about Trump in the current political climate, emphasizing the importance of making movies relevant and political again.
Following the film’s premiere, Trump’s campaign announced plans to take legal action against those associated with the production for defamation. The Apprentice depicts Trump’s rise to power amidst various controversial topics, including scenes of liposuction and allegations of rape against his ex-wife Ivana. Despite the controversy surrounding the film, The Apprentice was sold to StudioCanal for distribution in the U.K. and Ireland, with plans for a release in 2024. The response from Trump’s campaign to the film’s premiere was filled with strong statements condemning the portrayal of the former president.
The cast of The Apprentice includes Maria Bakalova as a young Ivanka Trump, Martin Donovan, Joe Pingue, Catherine McNally, and Ben Sullivan in supporting roles. The film delves into Trump’s early years as a businessman in New York City and his relationship with his lawyer Roy Cohn, showcasing the events that shaped his political ambitions. In response to the backlash from Trump’s campaign, the filmmakers defended their decision to tell a story about Trump in a way that does not shy away from addressing important political issues, stating that it is time for movies to be relevant and politically charged once again.
The controversy surrounding The Apprentice has only heightened anticipation for its release, with audiences eager to see how the film portrays Trump’s rise to power and the impact of his relationships in the business world. Despite facing legal threats and criticism from Trump’s campaign, the filmmakers remain steadfast in their commitment to telling a story that is both compelling and thought-provoking. As the film searches for a U.S. distributor in the midst of an election year, the buzz surrounding The Apprentice continues to grow, with viewers eager to see how it will be received upon its release. Ultimately, The Apprentice aims to spark conversations about the influence of power and wealth in shaping political narratives, making it a film that is sure to leave a lasting impact on audiences.