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President Javier Milei of Argentina has surprised his critics with a strong economy that has exceeded expectations, with achievements in national security and pursuit of a NATO global partnership. Despite concerns that his libertarian policies would weaken the troubled economy further, Milei has managed to stabilize the economy. He has reduced spending with major cuts to public-sector wages, suspended public works projects, cut subsidies, and devalued the country’s currency by over 50%. These measures have helped create a fiscal surplus and bring down inflation, with Argentina reporting its first single-digit inflation in six months.

Milei’s primary measure of cutting spending has been effective, and significant deregulation in various sectors of the economy has helped revive it. He has removed many regulations to boost economic activity, which has been successful in reinvigorating certain sectors, such as the housing market. While Milei has not implemented some of his more aggressive campaign promises, such as dollarizing the economy and shutting down the Central Bank, he has still pursued deregulation in other areas. He has also brought Argentina back to the international stage, with a focus on national security and rejecting invitations to join economic blocs led by China and Russia.

Milei’s moderation in Cabinet members and reliance on the Central Bank to regulate the economy have, to some extent, deviated from his radical campaign promises. However, his policies, overall, remain libertarian due to the deregulation he has implemented in various sectors of the economy. He has not completely abandoned his libertarian principles, but has adapted his approach to governing to align with realities and the needs of the country. The delayed dollarization and reliance on the Central Bank may indicate a shift towards more conventional economic strategies.

Argentina’s focus on national security under Milei’s leadership has included efforts to clear out external agitators, including those connected to Russian disinformation networks. The government has been working to neutralize threats posed by foreign influences seeking to exploit local grievances and incite instability. By emphasizing national security and rejecting membership in certain economic blocs, Milei is taking steps to protect Argentina’s sovereignty and stability. The government has a strong focus on mitigating external threats and maintaining internal security to prevent agitation networks from creating chaos within the country.

Despite initial concerns about Milei’s presidency leading Argentina towards ruin with libertarian policies, the country has seen positive economic developments under his leadership. Milei’s commitment to defending the free market, cutting spending, and pursuing deregulation has yielded results, with the economy stabilizing and inflation decreasing. His focus on national security and rejection of foreign economic blocs indicate a prioritization of Argentina’s interests and stability. By balancing libertarian principles with practical governance strategies, Milei is working to address the country’s economic challenges and enhance its security.

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