The Brooklyn Devil, also known as New York City’s last remaining real-life superhero, founded the New York Initiative in 2009 as a team of crime disruptors. However, he now patrols the city alone since 2015, after the group attracted members who were more interested in fame and financial opportunities. The Devil, dressed in black with a tactical mask and devil’s horns, sees himself as a violence interrupter and people protector, rather than a traditional crime fighter or superhero. He carries a utility belt with various tools, but leaves his body armor at home and relies on calling the police for backup if needed.
The Devil is on a mission to track down an accused rapist in the neighborhood with the help of his team of online aides. He approaches local businesses to ask if they have seen the suspect, and plans to share any information with the police if he spots him. He emphasizes the importance of gathering information and monitoring the area to prevent further crimes or harm from occurring. Despite some skepticism from onlookers, the Devil believes his presence can assist law enforcement in keeping the community safe.
While the Devil often patrols the streets on his electric skateboard, he also helps the homeless in Brooklyn and intervenes in violent or sexual assault situations. He emphasizes the importance of de-escalating conflicts and keeping tabs on potential aggressors, rather than resorting to physical violence. He has also worked to expose internet predators within the real-life superhero community and seeks to create a safer environment for those who are marginalized or vulnerable.
The Devil’s commitment to righting wrongs and protecting the vulnerable stems from his childhood experiences in Bushwick, where he was surrounded by crime and marginalized communities. He sees his actions as a way to make a positive impact in a city where injustices are prevalent. While the NYPD has not commented on the Devil’s activities or verified his claims of stopping crimes, he remains dedicated to his mission. Despite the risks and challenges he faces, the Devil sees his superhero persona as a way to make a difference in a city that is often plagued by crime and inequality.