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The graduation ceremony at the University of California, Berkeley, was marked by a mixture of celebration and pro-Palestinian activism. University Chancellor Carol Christ was met with boos from graduating students but also cheers when she acknowledged the students who had been camping on campus in protest against the violence in Gaza. Many students in the crowd rose with signs and Palestinian flags, chanting slogans calling for divestment and an end to the occupation. The disruptive behavior prompted warnings from university officials, but the chanting and protests continued throughout the ceremony.

Graduating student Greta Brown joined in the chanting and expressed her support for her fellow students who were speaking out against the conflict in Gaza. A group of around 50 students occupied a section of empty stadium seats to continue their protest, drawing even more students to join them behind the main stage. As security personnel prepared to remove the protesters, the ceremony briefly paused, and eventually, most of the demonstrators slowly left the stadium to continue their protest outside. Despite the disruptions, some graduating seniors viewed the graduation as a memorable and impactful event.

The protest during the graduation ceremony reflected the strong tradition of activism at Berkeley, with students expressing their outrage over the violence in Gaza and calling for divestment in support of the Palestinian cause. The participation of hundreds of students in the protest demonstrated a unity and solidarity among the graduating class in standing up for their beliefs. The chants and Palestinian flags waving behind the stage served as a powerful visual representation of the students’ commitment to social justice and political change.

While some guests at the ceremony cheered the removal of protesters and the resumption of the graduation proceedings, others expressed support for the demonstrators and their message. The presence of Palestinian flags and the calls for alumni to withhold donations to the school underscored the deep emotions and convictions driving the protest. The disruption of a traditionally formal event like a graduation ceremony with political activism highlighted the importance of student voices and activism in addressing contentious global issues.

The presence of university officials and security personnel attempting to manage the protest further heightened tensions and brought attention to the issue of free speech on college campuses. The warning issued by Vice Provost Lisa García Bedolla and the eventual removal of protesters raised questions about the balance between protecting the rights of individuals to express their viewpoints and maintaining order during a formal event. The protest at the Berkeley graduation ceremony served as a powerful reminder of the role of universities in fostering critical thinking, social engagement, and activism among students. The event showcased the passion and commitment of the graduating class to driving meaningful change and standing up for causes they believe in, even in the face of opposition and disruption.

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