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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene attempted to oust Speaker Mike Johnson in a sudden action that was rejected by both Democrats and Republicans. Despite her criticism of Johnson’s leadership, a vote to remove him was swiftly countered, and Johnson remained in his position with an overwhelming majority vote. This move marks a high level of party turmoil within the Republican party, as it is the second time in a matter of months that Republicans have worked to oust their own speaker. The risks ahead for any Republican trying to lead the GOP in the Trump era are evident.

Greene’s effort to force a vote on the motion to vacate the speaker stemmed from Johnson’s support for a foreign aid package that included funds for Ukraine. However, Johnson remained resolute in his decision to advance the foreign aid package, believing it was crucial for the U.S. to support Ukraine against Russia’s invasion. The speaker received support from Democrats, led by Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, who emphasized the need to turn the page on the GOP turmoil. Despite pushback from Republican leadership, Greene pressed ahead with the vote, determined to put her colleagues on the record with their vote.

Johnson met with Greene in an attempt to find a resolution to the situation, but Greene proceeded with the vote to oust the speaker. However, Democratic support to table Greene’s resolution almost guaranteed Johnson’s position was saved, for the time being. This move also poses political risks for Greene, as she is a high-profile figure within the party. Republicans expressed discomfort with Greene’s actions, with some calling for her and Rep. Thomas Massie to be punished for their role in trying to remove the speaker.

The vote to remove Speaker Johnson highlights the party divisions and turmoil within the Republican party. The support from both Democrats and some Republicans to table Greene’s motion signals a willingness to move past the chaos and focus on solving problems. Despite Greene’s determination to force the vote, the majority decision to retain Johnson as speaker reflects the challenges faced by Republicans in defining their mission in the Trump era. The episode underscores the delicate balance of power in the House and the need for unity within the party.

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