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Anarchists at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., have been calling for the beheadings of school administrators during their anti-Israel encampment. Demonstrators on campus were filmed chanting “Guillotine, Guillotine” repeatedly with particular focus on GW President Ellen Granberg and Provost Christopher Alan Bracey. At least 35 people were arrested at GWU as of Wednesday morning, and the encampment caused chaos on campus while resisting police officers who were called to restore order. They held a mock court hearing to decide the fate of the administrators, with some members shouting for them to be beheaded.

The encampment at George Washington University held a mock court hearing to pass fake verdicts for the fate of school administrators, board of trustees, and the school’s president, with shouts for each of them to be beheaded. The agitators also defaced a statue of the campus’ namesake, former President George Washington, with Palestinian iconography, including adding “Free Palestine” stickers to the statue. They also erected an American flag with “Genocide Joe” written on it, featuring a photo of President Biden. The chaotic situation on campus led to police officers moving in and using pepper spray to clear the unruly crowd.

On Wednesday, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and police chief Pamela Smith were expected to testify before the House Oversight Committee to discuss the anti-Israel demonstration and potential safety concerns on the GWU campus. Rep. James Comer, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, criticized D.C. leadership for not responding effectively to the university’s request for help in handling the combative protests. The House Oversight Committee planned to hold a hearing to question local leaders on the steps being taken to end the unlawful activity and antisemitism at the university.

The anti-Israel encampment at George Washington University had been ongoing for 13 days by Wednesday, with protesters erecting tents, displaying Palestinian flags, and defacing campus property. The situation escalated as demonstrators called for the beheading of school administrators and clashed with police officers. The DC Mayor’s office confirmed that Mayor Bowser and Police Chief Smith would testify at the House Oversight Committee hearing to address the concerns raised by the chaotic protests on campus.

The protest at George Washington University included calls for the beheading of school administrators and defacing of campus property with Palestinian iconography. The encampment organizers had been growing more combative, leading to the arrest of multiple individuals and clashes with law enforcement. Rep. James Comer criticized the lack of effective response from D.C. leadership and called for a hearing to address the ongoing unlawful activity and antisemitism at the university. The situation had become increasingly chaotic, with protesters resisting efforts by police to restore order.

The anti-Israel encampment at George Washington University had escalated to calls for beheadings, mock court hearings, and defacement of campus property before police intervention cleared the chaotic crowd. The situation led to arrests and clashes with law enforcement, prompting Rep. James Comer to criticize D.C. leadership for their inadequate response. Mayor Bowser and Police Chief Smith were set to testify at the House Oversight Committee hearing to address the safety concerns and issues related to the ongoing protest at GWU. The protest had become a focal point of controversy and raised concerns about the handling of unlawful activities and antisemitism on campus.

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