A parent posted on Reddit explaining that he or she will only pay for their children’s weddings if they meet certain conditions. These conditions include having the venue be wheelchair-friendly and inviting all family members unless there is an extreme reason not to. The parent’s oldest child followed these conditions and had their $40,000 wedding funded. However, the younger child’s chosen venue does not meet the wheelchair accessibility requirement, leading the parent to withhold payment for the wedding.
The parent is now receiving backlash from their youngest child for not funding their wedding due to the venue not meeting the specified conditions. The parent explained that the mountain venue chosen by the youngest child is not wheelchair-friendly and would not accommodate multiple family members who use wheelchairs. This led to an argument between the parent and the child, with the child accusing the parent of playing favorites. Despite this, the parent remains firm in their decision not to fund a wedding that excludes family members due to lack of accessibility.
Many Reddit users have weighed in on the situation, with some supporting the parent’s decision to withhold payment for a wedding that does not meet the specified conditions. Others have criticized the youngest child for not following the conditions set by the parent and for potentially excluding family members with disabilities from attending the wedding. The parent reiterated that they will not fund any part of a wedding that does not include all family members, as this goes against their values and beliefs.
Some commenters raised questions about the youngest child’s intentions concerning family members with disabilities and whether they had considered the impact of their chosen venue. The original poster responded that the youngest child did not have a clear answer to these questions, indicating a lack of consideration for the family members who would be excluded from the wedding. Despite the backlash from the youngest child, many users on Reddit supported the parent’s decision and criticized the youngest child for potentially excluding family members with disabilities from the wedding.
Overall, the parent’s post on Reddit has sparked a heated debate about family values, inclusivity, and the responsibilities of parents when it comes to funding their children’s weddings. While some users have criticized the parent for setting conditions for funding the weddings, many others have supported the parent’s decision to prioritize inclusivity and accessibility for all family members. The ongoing discussion highlights the importance of communication, understanding, and respect within families when it comes to major life events such as weddings.