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Vladimir V. Putin was inaugurated for a fifth term as president in a ceremony filled with pageantry and a televised church service, in which he attempted to frame his invasion of Ukraine as a religiously righteous mission. He took the presidential oath with his hand on the Russian constitution, despite critics dismissing his election win as a sham. If he serves the full six years of his new term, he will become the longest-serving Russian leader since Catherine the Great. His speech reiterated the need for dialogue with the West but on equal terms, without compromising Russian interests.

Following the inauguration, a televised church service inside the Kremlin’s Cathedral of the Annunciation was led by Patriarch Kirill I, who blessed Mr. Putin, emphasizing the Kremlin’s efforts to give a religious sheen to his rule. Despite offering no new policy details, analysts expect changes in the government later in the week. Mr. Putin also made no mention of his military’s announcement of tactical nuclear weapons drills, which were seen as a way to pressure the West over Ukraine. The speech reiterated his call for equal negotiations with the U.S. on arms control, stalled since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Despite being isolated from the West and indicted by the International Criminal Court, Mr. Putin’s power domestically seems stronger than ever. The tightly stage-managed inauguration, attended by over 2,000 government officials and loyal supporters, projected an image of stability, strength, and peace under Putin’s leadership. Opposition politicians have been jailed or silenced, with Aleksei A. Navalny, the most prominent, dying in custody in February. Criticism of Putin’s rule has been vocal, with Navalny’s widow, Yulia Navalnaya, condemning Putin as a liar, thief, and murderer.

The ceremony featured a tightly scripted state television broadcast that portrayed Mr. Putin as a humble, workmanlike leader. Before the ceremony, viewers saw glimpses of Putin casually flipping through papers at his desk, walking through corridors, and getting into a Russian-made limousine. The presence of high-profile supporters, including American actor Steven Seagal, underscored the loyalty and support Putin commands. The Constitutional Court, which has upheld Putin’s rollback of democratic rights, stood by as he took the oath of office, solidifying his grip on power in Russia.

As Mr. Putin embarks on his fifth term as president, under increasing international scrutiny and criticism, his efforts to consolidate power domestically through a mix of religion, military strength, and political control are evident. The ceremony and subsequent events underscore the Kremlin’s narrative of Putin as a strong and capable leader who will guide Russia through challenges and uncertainties. However, opposition voices continue to speak out against his rule, highlighting the unrest and dissatisfaction simmering beneath the surface in Russia. The coming years will test Mr. Putin’s ability to navigate both domestic challenges and international tensions as he seeks to maintain and expand his influence on the global stage.

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