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An investigation by the independent outlet Proekt uncovered that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s alleged luxurious residence on the Black Sea coast, known as “Putin’s Palace,” has been refashioned to include a church with a throne. This renovation indicates that Putin may have an obsession with war and religion, as the walls are decorated with crosses and the triptych in the church appears to depict a “Saint Prince Vladimir.” Additionally, the residence features a reading room adorned with chandeliers made with red crystals from the French manufacturer Baccarat, costing about $1 million. The property came to public attention after an investigation by the late opposition leader Alexei Navalny in 2021.

The investigation by Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) revealed that the property, estimated to cost $1.35 billion, was allegedly funded through a corruption scheme where Putin provided top jobs and lucrative government projects to his allies. Despite the claims in the report, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov dismissed them as “pure nonsense.” Maria Pevchikh, head of investigations at FBK, emphasized the importance of publishing recent photos of the residence, as it exposes Putin’s obsession with his security and luxury. By sharing footage from inside the palace and floor plans, observers prevent its further use and highlight flaws in Putin’s security system.

The Gelendzhik Palace near Sochi, Russia, has undergone significant changes since Navalny’s initial investigation, with the removal of entertainment areas like a pole, casino, and room with toy cars and a railway. The newly renovated interior of the palace now features a home church complete with a wooden throne, suggesting the owner’s high opinion of themselves. The property’s opulent design, including chandeliers made with expensive materials, raises questions about the lavish lifestyle associated with Putin.

The inclusion of a church in the renovated residence may reflect Putin’s attachment to religion, as he traditionally visits the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin after his inauguration. The historical significance of patronal icons for rulers dating back to the Middle Ages in Russia adds depth to the symbolism of the church within the palace. The luxury and extravagance of the Gelendzhik Palace represent the opulent lifestyle often associated with Russian elite, sparking further scrutiny and criticism of Putin’s alleged corruption and abuse of power.

The publication of the recent images and details of the Gelendzhik Palace serves to shed light on the perceived excess and corruption within Putin’s inner circle. By exposing the extravagant renovations and highlighting Putin’s obsession with security and luxury, investigative outlets like Proekt and FBK aim to hold the Russian president accountable for alleged wrongdoing. The ongoing revelations about the palace serve as a reminder of the challenges posed by corruption and abuse of power in Russian politics, sparking debate and criticism both domestically and internationally. As the investigation unfolds, observers continue to uncover details that further complicate the narrative surrounding Putin’s alleged involvement in corrupt practices.

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