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Gov. Kristi Noem’s new book, set to release in May, is already facing corrections due to errors. One false anecdote about a meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will be removed from the book, along with inaccuracies about a call with Nikki Haley. The book, titled ‘No Going Back’, details Ms. Noem’s experiences during her eight years in Congress as South Dakota’s sole representative. She highlights her encounters with world leaders and the challenges she faced as a member of the House Armed Services Committee.

In the book, Ms. Noem mentions a meeting with Kim Jong-un, which is now being corrected as inaccurate. Ian Fury, the chief of communications for Ms. Noem, acknowledged the errors and stated that they will be fixed in future editions of the book. The book also includes a supposed threatening conversation with Nikki Haley, which Ms. Haley’s spokeswoman has refuted as inaccurate. Future editions will clarify the timeline of the conversation, specifying that it took place in 2020 and not when the book initially stated it did.

The memoir appears to be an attempt to boost Ms. Noem’s profile as a potential running mate for former President Donald Trump. She emphasizes her loyalty to Trump and recounts defending him in a speech following the Capitol attack on January 6, 2021. However, much of the attention surrounding the book has focused on a controversial excerpt in which Ms. Noem describes having to shoot her daughter’s dog, Cricket. She defended her decision on a Fox News program, stating that the anecdote illustrates the difficult decisions she has had to make throughout her life.

Despite the book’s attempt to highlight Ms. Noem’s experiences and leadership qualities, controversies surrounding false anecdotes and errors have overshadowed its initial release. The corrections made to remove the false anecdote about Kim Jong-un and adjust the timeline of the conversation with Nikki Haley reflect an effort to ensure accuracy in the content. The book aims to position Ms. Noem as a strong Republican woman in politics, but the inaccuracies have drawn criticism and raised questions about the authenticity of the memoir. As Ms. Noem continues to be considered as a potential running mate for Trump, the impact of these corrections on her public image remains to be seen.

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