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A pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Mississippi was overshadowed by a group of conservative students singing the national anthem and using expletives. The protest consisted of around 60 students denouncing Israel’s attack in Gaza and calling for the university to divest from Israel-linked companies. About 200 counterprotesters, reportedly members of fraternities, arrived to confront the pro-Palestinian group, carrying flags supporting former President Donald Trump and shouting slogans like “f*** Joe Biden.” Republican Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves praised the counterprotesters for singing the national anthem and celebrated them as “normal” students, while calling the pro-Palestinian group “Jew hating Biden voters.”

Social media reactions to the counterprotesters at Ole Miss were mixed, with some praising them for drowning out the pro-Palestinian demonstrators and others criticizing them for what they perceived as racist motivations. University of Mississippi officials stated that they support the right of students to express their views peacefully and assemble in accordance with the First Amendment. While some protesters and counter-protesters received warnings for their actions during the demonstration, no arrests or injuries were reported, and the protest ended peacefully. Similar to other campuses across the country, pro-Palestinian groups have been met with counterprotesters but have far outnumbered them at most demonstrations.

Conservative groups have dominated counterprotests at many of the pro-Palestinian demonstrations on college campuses in recent weeks. Over 2,000 pro-Palestinian protesters have been arrested during the demonstrations, which have been marred by accusations of antisemitic incidents and clashes with law enforcement. The pro-Palestinian protesters accuse the Israeli government of committing genocide in Gaza, with thousands of casualties reported as a result of the ongoing conflict. While the demonstration at Ole Miss ended peacefully, tensions and disagreements between pro-Palestinian and conservative groups continue to surface on college campuses and social media platforms.

Despite the controversy surrounding the protest at the University of Mississippi, officials emphasized the importance of respecting free speech and peaceful assembly. The demonstration at Ole Miss highlighted the ongoing debate surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the differing perspectives on the issue. While the counterprotesters at Ole Miss expressed their support for the national anthem, former President Trump, and opposition to Biden, pro-Palestinian groups have been vocal in their condemnation of Israel’s actions in Gaza and calls for divestment from Israel-linked companies. The clash of ideologies on college campuses reflects broader societal divisions and the complexities of addressing contentious political issues.

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