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Many women shared experiences about their bodies that they didn’t learn about until they happened to them. One woman shared how she didn’t realize that period blood could be brown, thinking she was shitting herself until her mother clarified it was her period. Another woman shared the experience of her uterus not going back to its usual spot after giving birth, leading to a bladder prolapse issue that required surgery to correct. Another woman shared the journey of discovering she had hip dysplasia and needed surgery to correct the issue.

Another woman shared how she experienced hyperthyroidism and Grave’s Disease, highlighting the importance of advocating for oneself and being aware of the potential risks of long-term medication use. One woman shared her experience of developing a large liver tumor after taking birth control for over 20 years, emphasizing the need to be informed about the risks associated with medication. Another woman shared how a torn labrum led to the discovery of hip dysplasia, requiring surgery and rehabilitation to correct the issue.

A woman shared her experience of experiencing debilitating back and hip pain that was initially dismissed as somatic, only to later discover she had hip dysplasia and required surgery. Another woman shared how she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism after experiencing a range of symptoms that made sense once she knew the cause. One woman shared her experience of experiencing menstrual cramps alongside gallstone symptoms, showcasing the interconnectedness of different health issues in the body.

Many women shared experiences related to pregnancy and postpartum, highlighting the variations in each woman’s experience. From changes in hair texture during menopause to unexpected physical changes after miscarriage, women shared personal stories that shed light on the complexity of the female body. Additionally, experiences such as changes in menstrual cycles due to weight loss, unexpected orgasms during sleep, and the challenges of perimenopause and menopause were also shared, providing a comprehensive look at the diverse experiences women may go through regarding their bodies.

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