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Democratic New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham was caught on a secretly recorded audio accusing the Biden administration of “persecuting” her state due to immigration and marijuana policies. In the recording, she expresses frustration over the confiscation of marijuana at U.S. Border Patrol checkpoints in New Mexico, a state where marijuana is legal. Lujan Grisham suggests that the Biden administration is not using discretion and working with her on immigration issues, contemplating sending a letter to address her grievances. The recording also includes a conversation where Lujan Grisham discusses Secretary Mayorkas’ remarks on cannabis producers in New Mexico, indicating that she was offended by his dismissive attitude towards the issue.

The recording was shared on social media by a user, and Lujan Grisham’s communications director confirmed its authenticity while stating that the conversation revealed nothing new, as the governor has publicly expressed similar frustrations. Lujan Grisham’s concerns about federal seizures of legal cannabis products, especially from small producers in New Mexico, have been communicated in phone calls with Mayorkas. Cannabis is legal in New Mexico for medicinal and recreational purposes, but it remains illegal at the federal level, leading to confiscations by federal agents, including Border Patrol agents. Lujan Grisham’s frustration with federal policies regarding marijuana and immigration is evident in the recording, where she contemplates taking action to address these issues.

The recording captures Lujan Grisham’s candid conversation about her concerns with the Biden administration’s handling of immigration and marijuana policies in New Mexico. She discusses feeling boxed in by federal actions and expresses her intention to speak out against what she perceives as unjust treatment of her state. Lujan Grisham highlights the impact of federal confiscations on small cannabis producers in New Mexico, emphasizing the loss of livelihood that occurs when their products are seized. The governor portrays a sense of determination to advocate for her state’s interests and push back against federal policies that she believes are harmful to New Mexico.

The conversation in the recording reveals Lujan Grisham’s frustration and dissatisfaction with the federal government’s actions, particularly in relation to marijuana seizures and immigration enforcement. She voices her concerns about the potential repercussions of federal policies on the state’s economy and the well-being of cannabis producers. Lujan Grisham’s remarks shed light on the challenges faced by states where marijuana is legal but subject to federal restrictions, leading to conflicts with federal authorities. The recording captures a moment of tension between the governor and the Biden administration, as Lujan Grisham contemplates addressing these issues through official channels.

Overall, the secretly recorded conversation between Governor Lujan Grisham and an unknown individual reveals her strong stance on defending New Mexico’s interests against perceived injustices by the federal government. The discussion showcases Lujan Grisham’s frustration with the handling of immigration and marijuana policies, highlighting the impact of federal actions on the state. As the recording circulates on social media, it raises questions about the dynamics between state and federal authorities on contentious issues such as cannabis legalization and immigration enforcement. Lujan Grisham’s candid remarks offer insights into the challenges faced by states navigating conflicting state and federal laws, shedding light on the complexities of governance in a divided political landscape.

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