Dr. Givona Sandiford, CCC-SLP, launched Melospeech Inc. with the intention of keeping it small, but the universe had other plans. Referrals poured in, leading to exponential growth over three years. Based on her experience, Dr. Sandiford shares valuable lessons about retention in a recent Forbes article.
One key lesson is the importance of ditching the illusion of perfection in the workplace. Striving for perfection can lead to burnout and high turnover due to a toxic work environment. Embracing imperfection and creating a culture where it’s safe to fail is crucial in retaining team members. Building a space where everyone feels valued, secure, and ready to take on challenges together is essential.
Acknowledging mistakes and apologizing for them is powerful. The Pratfall Effect states that when highly accomplished individuals make small mistakes, they become more relatable and likable. Mistakes show humanity and set a standard of accountability and respect within the team. People follow leaders who are real and admit when they’re wrong.
Transitioning team members out respectfully is another important aspect of retention. Not everyone is meant to be on a team forever, and it’s okay to part ways with individuals who are not fitting in or thriving. Strategic alignment and mutual growth are crucial factors in transitioning team members out successfully. This process is part of the journey every business owner will face.
Turning challenges into triumphs can help in reducing turnover. Embracing the imperfect journey and focusing on creating a culture where mistakes are seen as valuable lessons can transform the work environment. Prioritizing authenticity, compassion, and promoting personal growth can lead to a resilient and engaged team. Embracing the reality of growth can strengthen the team and lead to success.
Forbes Business Council is the top growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders, providing valuable insights and advice for business owners. Dr. Givona Sandiford’s experience with Melospeech Inc. showcases the importance of building a strong team culture, embracing imperfection, acknowledging mistakes, and transitioning team members out respectfully to promote retention and success in the workplace.