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The BuzzFeed Community shared stories of the “Kevin” in their lives, individuals who displayed a lack of common sense and basic knowledge. These stories included instances of someone who thought eggs would scramble themselves, a person who believed beef was not red meat but brown meat, and a caregiver who unnecessarily warmed up bottles of water for an elderly woman. Another story involved a man who insisted on baking cookies on a cooling rack, leading to a messy kitchen, and a person who thought ham came from a separate animal than pork or bacon. Additionally, there was a story of a woman who avoided red meat claiming it sat in the intestines for seven years, despite eating a burger.

One individual shared an experience of their ex-partner who forgot where he parked his car for three days after walking home from a 7-Eleven. Another story featured a nurse who believed a patient had a false wrist based on a label indicating they were a fall risk. There was also a story of a woman who nearly died from water intoxication after drinking eight 64-oz cups of water daily, and another person who mistakenly used KY lubricating jelly on toast instead of regular jelly. Additionally, a story showcased a person who was confused about where a baby would grow after bariatric surgery and another who thought money orders were handed out for free.

A military deployment story included a Lieutenant who accidentally shot a clearing barrel while trying to demonstrate how to clear a weapon, resulting in him being restricted from carrying a gun for the remainder of the deployment. Lastly, a personal story involved a woman who accidentally threw a ball while walking her 125-lb Newfoundland dog, causing her to break her leg as the dog dragged her. These stories highlighted moments of confusion, misunderstanding, and lack of common sense that left others puzzled and amused at the same time. Despite the humorous nature of the stories, they also serve as reminders to always think before acting to avoid potentially dangerous or embarrassing consequences.

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