Liz Haberberger, President and Owner of Dale Carnegie Missouri, is a dynamic and energetic leader who believes that AI will not only take jobs but also change jobs and create new opportunities. Despite the advancements in AI technology, the importance of human leaders within businesses remains paramount in ensuring success. As AI becomes more prevalent, it is crucial for leaders to focus on developing key skills and knowledge to remain relevant and valuable in the workplace.
According to Karim Lakhani, AI won’t replace humans, but humans with AI will replace those without it. This highlights the importance of leaders leveraging AI to enhance their effectiveness and empathy. By staying informed on best practices and utilizing AI to provide specific and useful information, leaders can improve their decision-making and communication skills. It will be those who know things rather than do things that will be less likely to be replaced by AI in the future.
To succeed in the evolving business landscape, leaders need to focus on developing critical skills related to working with others and self-efficacy. The World Economic Forum has identified key skills for 2030, with the majority being human-centric skills. By prioritizing human qualities and focusing on creativity, leaders can differentiate themselves and add value to their organizations. Creativity is a skill that can be honed at any stage of life, and by surrounding oneself with other creative individuals and fostering a curious mindset, leaders can unlock their creative potential.
By implementing strategies that focus on keeping knowledge sharp, developing critical business skills, and fostering creativity, leaders can position themselves as essential assets in their organizations. Continuously upskilling and adapting to the changing business landscape will ensure that leaders remain relevant and valuable in the face of AI advancements. Investing in leadership development now can save time and resources in the future, as leaders will play a crucial role in driving business success and fostering a thriving culture.
Forbes Business Council offers a platform for business owners and leaders to connect and grow, providing opportunities for networking and collaboration. By emphasizing the importance of leadership development and staying informed on industry trends, leaders can position themselves for success in the future. As AI continues to shape the business landscape, it is essential for leaders to adapt and evolve in order to remain indispensable in the workplace.