A mysterious art show in New York City called “Bobby Anspach: The Beautiful Nothing” features fantastical installations that trick visitors into staring into each other’s eyes. The late artist Anspach had a love for pom-poms, which are featured prominently in the display. Visitors can either pair up and gaze at each other in a tent covered in pom-poms or experience a solo self-stare under a dome made of pom-poms. The experience is described as psychedelic, meditative, and immersive, allowing guests to transport themselves to another place.
Reservations can be made online for the exhibit, but many people also wander in off the street to take in the strange scene. One mother-daughter duo from Mexico City found the experience mind-blowing and mesmerizing as they sat across from each other in the pom-pom-covered tent. The mother described the experience as making her travel through colors and feeling like she disappeared. Visitors are led through the experience by a guide, given minimal information about what to expect, and encouraged to listen to a curated playlist while staring straight ahead until the guide retrieves them.
Some visitors have described the experience as powerful, surreal, and unlike anything they have ever encountered before. One visitor found it to be like stepping into a dream or a hallucinogenic journey, inviting deep self-reflection and a feeling of being part of something larger. Emotional reactions from visitors have ranged from dancing with glee to leaving in tears. Bobby Anspach’s parents, Jane and Bob, have taken his installations across New York City to honor his memory following his tragic death at the age of 34.
Bobby Anspach struggled with mental health issues and tragically drowned in Beacon, New York in July 2022. His parents have started the Bobby Anspach Studios Foundation to continue his life’s work and share his art with others. They believe he wanted to give the gift of hope to people through his art. The exhibit is open to the public on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays at Azure, 38 Little W. 12th St., through Nov. 10. Overall, the “Beautiful Nothing” exhibit offers visitors a unique and immersive artistic experience that encourages connections with others and introspection.