King Charles III and Queen Camilla embarked on a royal tour to Samoa, where they were welcomed at the National University of Samoa. Both royals were seen in casual attire, with Charles wearing a white Royal Navy bush jacket and Camilla in an all-white look. During their visit, Charles was named the High Chief of Samoa and participated in a traditional ceremony involving the ‘ava beverage. The couple also wore ceremonial garlands made from various materials for photos.
In addition to their visit to the National University of Samoa, Charles and Camilla went to the Moata’a Village and O Le Pupu-Pue National Park among other engagements. This trip was part of their tour which also included Australia. During their time in Australia, Charles met with cancer researchers at the Melanoma Institute Australia, although his own cancer diagnosis was not discussed during the trip.
King Charles III had previously been diagnosed with an undisclosed type of cancer after a routine prostate procedure in February. He took a brief break from royal duties for treatment but has since resumed his duties. Prior to the tour to Australia and Samoa, Charles put his treatment on pause, with the approval of his doctors, in order to go on the overseas trip. His treatment was set to resume after the tour, and his schedule during the trip was designed to be mindful of his health, including 10 engagements a day between him and Camilla.
The royal couple’s decision to forgo a visit to New Zealand during their tour was noted, as they focused on their engagements in Australia and Samoa. The palace had previously announced Charles’ cancer diagnosis in a statement, where he underwent treatment and then continued his royal duties. Despite the health challenges, King Charles III and Queen Camilla continued with their royal tour, meeting with dignitaries and participating in traditional ceremonies in Samoa. Their casual attire and focus on engagements in Australia and Samoa showed their commitment to their roles as royalty.