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The French government is planning to introduce a new immigration law by early 2025, with measures that may include extending detention for undocumented migrants and limiting regularisation opportunities. The announcement of these stricter measures has sparked concerns about potential divisions in the French Parliament, as the previous immigration bill faced sharp opposition within President Macron’s coalition. The new bill aims to extend the detention period for certain migrants considered a threat from 90 days to 210 days, in response to evolving security challenges. Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau has been a strong advocate for these tougher measures, emphasizing the need to prioritize the security of the French people.

The previous immigration law, passed in January 2024, was met with controversy and opposition within Macron’s camp, ultimately leading to the resignation of Health Minister Aurélien Rousseau. Despite this, the government is pushing ahead with plans to tighten regularisation rules for undocumented migrants, especially in family cases. The aim is to limit the eligibility of undocumented migrants and align the law with right-wing proposals that were previously rejected by the Constitutional Council. This move reflects the government’s commitment to addressing immigration issues and ensuring public safety, even if it means facing internal challenges and potential backlash.

The government has made it clear that it will not seek support from the National Rally, led by Marine Le Pen, whose hardline stance on immigration is non-negotiable. Instead, the executive plans to engage with all parliamentary groups in an effort to build a broad consensus on the new immigration bill. Spokesperson Maud Bregeon emphasized that there should be “no taboos” when it comes to protecting the public, signaling a firm stance on the need for stricter immigration measures. The government’s approach to engaging with various political factions underscores its commitment to addressing immigration concerns in a comprehensive and inclusive manner.

The upcoming immigration bill is expected to face scrutiny and debate in Parliament, given the potential for further divisions and disagreements among lawmakers. The introduction of stricter measures, such as extending detention for certain undocumented migrants, could be a contentious issue that sparks heated discussions and protests. However, the government remains determined to push forward with its plans to address immigration challenges and enhance public safety. By engaging with different parliamentary groups and seeking a broad consensus on the new bill, the government aims to navigate potential opposition and secure support for its proposed immigration measures.

Overall, the French government’s decision to introduce a new immigration law with stricter measures reflects its commitment to addressing security concerns and regulating immigration more effectively. Despite facing potential divisions and opposition within Parliament, the government remains steadfast in its efforts to implement policies that prioritize public safety. By engaging with various political groups and seeking a consensus on the new bill, the government hopes to navigate potential challenges and secure a solid foundation for its immigration measures. As the debate unfolds in the coming months, it will be crucial to monitor how different stakeholders respond to the proposed immigration changes and whether a consensus can be reached on the path forward.

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