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Filmmaker Michael Moore is urging President Joe Biden to use his remaining 100 days in office to pass a “bucket list” of reforms and leave the White House as a “hero.” Moore believes that Biden now has “full immunity” to make significant changes, thanks to a recent Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity that protected Donald Trump’s actions during his presidency. Moore argued that Biden has the power to govern however he wants and should take advantage of this opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of millions of Americans.

Moore outlined a list of 13 executive actions that he believes Biden should prioritize before his term ends in January 2025. These actions range from declaring the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the Constitution to granting clemency for non-violent drug offenders and pardoning Edward Snowden. Moore also called on Biden to address the ongoing violence and conflict in Israel and Palestine by freeing hostages in Gaza, political prisoners in Israel, and stopping the slaughter in the region. Moore believes that these initiatives have the support of the majority of the American people and would solidify Biden’s legacy as a president who helped those in need.

In his message to Biden, Moore highlighted the importance of leaving a positive legacy and making a lasting impact on the country. He encouraged Biden to use his remaining time in office to enact meaningful change and address pressing issues that affect millions of Americans. By taking bold and decisive action, Moore believes that Biden has the opportunity to shape his legacy and be remembered as a president who made a difference in the lives of the American people.

Moore’s call for Biden to take advantage of his remaining time in office and enact significant reforms comes at a critical moment in the president’s term. With the Supreme Court granting him immunity and superpowers to govern as he sees fit, Biden has the opportunity to make sweeping changes that could benefit millions of Americans. Moore’s “Bucket List for Scranton Joe” serves as a roadmap for the president to leave a lasting legacy and be remembered as a transformative leader who made a positive impact on the country.

As the clock ticks down on Biden’s presidency, Moore’s message serves as a reminder of the power and influence that the president still wields. By seizing this moment and passing the proposed reforms, Biden has the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy and be remembered as a president who prioritized the well-being of the American people. Moore’s call to action serves as a rallying cry for Biden to make the most of his remaining time in office and use his position to enact meaningful change that will benefit the country for years to come.

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