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The passage from the book of Numbers tells the story of the Lord bestowing his spirit on Moses and the seventy elders, allowing them to prophesy. When two men, Eldad and Medad, began prophesying outside the camp, Joshua, Moses’ aide, expressed concern and asked Moses to stop them. However, Moses responded by saying that he wished all the people of the Lord were prophets and that the Lord would bestow his spirit on everyone. This message is seen as a reflection of God’s abundant and overflowing love.

The excerpt from Numbers is discussed by Işık Abla, a senior pastor at Dream Church International in Virginia Beach and an author of Christian books. Abla, who was born in Turkey and raised as a Muslim, shares her own experience of feeling unworthy and insecure after converting to Christianity. She initially believed she was not good enough to serve God, but after being asked to share her testimony at church, she realized that God had already chosen her.

Abla highlights Moses’ inclusive and empowering leadership style, as he desired everyone to be equipped with the gift of prophecy. In contrast, Joshua initially struggled with jealousy and insecurity, but eventually learned to see the world from God’s perspective. Abla emphasizes the importance of letting go of offense and understanding that there is enough room for everyone in God’s plan.

According to Abla, God pours out his spirit abundantly on all people, without dividing it among the worthy. This promise of the spirit being poured out on everyone, rather than just a select few, emphasizes the idea of unity and collaboration among believers. Abla stresses the importance of not competing with others but rather completing one another, as the spirit of God fills and unites all.

The lesson from the story of Moses, Joshua, and the elders is that God’s love and empowerment are available to all who are willing to receive it. By recognizing and embracing the gifts and callings of others, individuals can work together to fulfill God’s plan for their lives. Abla’s own journey of overcoming insecurity and realizing God’s unconditional love serves as a reminder that anyone can be used by God, regardless of their perceived shortcomings.

In conclusion, the message of the passage from Numbers and Işık Abla’s reflections promote a message of inclusivity, empowerment, and unity among believers. By recognizing the value of each individual and the gifts they bring, followers of Christ can work together to spread God’s love and fulfill his purposes. This lesson of accepting and supporting one another, rather than competing, is a powerful reminder of the abundance of God’s grace and the importance of unity in the body of Christ.

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