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The appointment of Greece’s Apostolos Tzitzikostas to lead the transport portfolio in the next European Commission has generated controversy, particularly among the relatives of victims of the deadly 2023 train accident in Greece. The incident, which claimed the lives of 57 people, mainly university students, in Tempi, has raised concerns about the government’s handling of the case. Victim’s relatives have accused the government of attempting to cover up the incident, which is currently under investigation by the judiciary. The “Tempi 2023” Accident Victims Association has voiced strong objections to Greece holding the transport portfolio in the next Commission, citing concerns about accountability and conflict of interest.

Maria Karistianou, whose daughter was one of the victims of the train crash, expressed disbelief at the choice of the Greek Commissioner-designate and the Greek MEP Eliza Vozenberg as chair of the Transport Committee of the European Parliament. Karistianou highlighted the lack of trust in the Greek judicial system, emphasizing the need for reform and increased accountability. She criticized the close ties between government officials and the ruling party, suggesting that these connections could hinder the impartial handling of the investigation into the train accident. The victims’ association is calling for transparency, justice, and legal reform to address systemic issues in Greece’s governance.

Vozenberg, the Greek MEP, refuted the allegations made by the victims’ association, stating that the accusations are being politically motivated by the opposition. She emphasized the independence of the judiciary in Greece and denied any involvement in a potential cover-up by the government. Vozenberg highlighted the importance of allowing the legal process to unfold without interference, ensuring that all relevant information is made public. The concerns raised by victim’s relatives underscore the need for transparency and accountability in governance, particularly in cases involving public safety and accountability issues.

The president of the “Tempi 2023” association met with both the Commissioner-designate and the chairwoman of the TRAN committee of the European Parliament to convey the concerns of victim’s relatives. The association also engaged with representatives of democratic parties in the European Parliament to seek support for their cause. The European Parliament is set to commence hearings for the Commissioners-designate to either approve or reject their appointments on November 4th. The engagement of victim’s relatives with key stakeholders in the European Commission and Parliament reflects their determination to seek justice and accountability for the tragic train accident in Tempi, and to address broader governance issues in Greece.

The controversy surrounding the appointment of Apostolos Tzitzikostas and the allegations of a potential cover-up highlight the challenges of governance and accountability in Greece. The lack of confidence in the judicial system, concerns about political interference, and perceived conflicts of interest underscore the need for comprehensive reforms to strengthen democratic institutions and promote transparency. The voices of victim’s relatives in advocating for justice and accountability in the aftermath of the train accident demonstrate the importance of citizen engagement in holding governments and officials accountable for their actions. The outcomes of the European Parliament hearings on the Commissioner-designate appointments will be closely watched to assess the commitment to transparency and accountability in the European Commission’s governance.

Ultimately, the controversy surrounding the transport portfolio appointment in the next European Commission serves as a reminder of the importance of accountability and justice in governance. The tragic train accident in Tempi and the ongoing investigation highlight the need for legal reforms and institutional changes to ensure that similar incidents are prevented in the future. The concerns raised by victim’s relatives regarding the handling of the case by government officials point to broader issues of transparency, independence of the judiciary, and political accountability in Greece. The engagement of victim’s relatives with European stakeholders underscores the importance of international scrutiny and support in addressing governance challenges and promoting democratic values in member states of the European Union.

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