The Superquiz feature that was supposed to be available on September 11th is currently unavailable. The team is working to restore it and asks users to try again later. In the meantime, readers can check out the new digital version of Target Time, a popular nine-letter puzzle, where they can try to find as many words as possible and see how long it takes to discover the Target word. Premium subscribers have access to play Target Time online.
The Superquiz feature appears to be experiencing technical difficulties on September 11th, leading to its unavailability. Users are encouraged to check back later as the team works to restore the feature. In the meantime, readers can engage with the digital version of Target Time, a challenging puzzle where they can find words from a set of nine letters and try to uncover the Target word within a certain time frame. Premium subscribers have the opportunity to play Target Time online and compare their results with others.
Harry Hollinsworth highlights the current issue with the Superquiz feature on September 11th and apologizes for any inconvenience caused by its unavailability. The team is actively working to restore the feature so that users can access it as soon as possible. In the meantime, readers are invited to try out the new digital version of Target Time, a popular puzzle game where they can find words from a set of nine letters and aim to uncover the Target word within a specific time limit. Premium subscribers have the added benefit of being able to play Target Time online and share their results with others.
The Superquiz feature, scheduled for September 11th, is currently unavailable due to technical difficulties. The team is diligently working to fix the issue so that users can access the feature later on. While waiting for the Superquiz to be restored, readers can enjoy the digital version of Target Time, a challenging puzzle game that involves finding words from a group of nine letters and identifying the Target word within a set time frame. Premium subscribers have the opportunity to play Target Time online, track their progress, and share their results with others.
The Superquiz feature, which was planned for release on September 11th, is currently not accessible due to unforeseen technical issues. The team is actively working to resolve the problem and aims to have the feature back up and running soon. In the meantime, readers can explore the digital version of Target Time, a popular nine-letter puzzle where they can search for words and try to uncover the Target word within a specified time limit. Premium subscribers can access Target Time online and test their skills against others.
Harry Hollinsworth acknowledges the unavailability of the Superquiz feature on September 11th and assures readers that the team is working to restore it as quickly as possible. While waiting for the feature to be fixed, users can engage with the digital version of Target Time, a challenging puzzle game that requires finding words from a collection of nine letters and identifying the Target word within a designated time period. Premium subscribers have the option to play Target Time online and compare their results with other players.