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Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev criticized Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram messaging app, for fleeing Russia and thinking he could avoid cooperating with security services abroad. Medvedev recounted a conversation with Durov where he warned him that refusing to cooperate with law enforcement agencies would pose problems in any country. Medvedev, who is now the deputy head of Russia’s Security Council, stated that Durov wanted to be a global citizen without ties to any specific country, but he made a mistake in believing he could escape his Russian identity. Medvedev emphasized that Durov should realize that one cannot choose their homeland, and for their common enemies, Durov is still seen as Russian and therefore unpredictable and dangerous.

The comments from Medvedev shed light on the relationship between tech entrepreneurs like Durov and the Russian government, which has demonstrated a strong interest in regulating and monitoring online communication platforms. Durov’s decision to leave Russia and operate Telegram from abroad may have been influenced by concerns about government interference in the company’s operations. However, Medvedev’s remarks suggest that Durov’s attempt to distance himself from his Russian roots has not been successful, as he continues to be perceived as a Russian individual by the authorities.

It is also worth noting that Durov’s actions have implications beyond his personal circumstances, as they reflect broader tensions between the Russian government and technology companies operating within the country. The Russian government has been criticized for its efforts to control the flow of information online and suppress dissent, with platforms like Telegram seen as potential threats to its control. Durov’s decision to leave Russia and run Telegram from abroad can be seen as a response to these concerns, but as Medvedev’s comments indicate, his Russian identity continues to shape the government’s perception of him.

The tension between Durov and the Russian government highlights the challenges faced by tech entrepreneurs in navigating the complex regulatory environments of different countries. As technology companies operate on a global scale, they must navigate a range of competing interests, including those of governments concerned about security and control. Durov’s experience serves as a reminder of the importance of understanding and engaging with the regulatory frameworks of different countries, as well as the risks involved in pushing back against government demands for access to user data.

Overall, Medvedev’s comments on Pavel Durov’s decision to leave Russia and operate Telegram from abroad provide insight into the complex relationship between tech entrepreneurs and government authorities, particularly in countries with strict controls on online communication. Durov’s attempt to distance himself from his Russian identity has not shielded him from government scrutiny, and his actions have broader implications for the regulation of technology companies in Russia. The case of Durov and Telegram serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by tech companies operating in environments where government control over online communication is a significant concern.

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