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Italy’s prime minister Georgia Meloni finds herself excluded from a preliminary deal regarding the allocation of the European Union’s top jobs after the recent elections. This exclusion has left her feeling enraged and considering formally abstaining from the decision-making process. Meloni was initially expected to play a significant role in the selection process as her party, Brothers of Italy, performed well in the EU elections, positioning her as a potential ‘kingmaker’. However, a deal brokered by representatives of the European People’s Party, socialists, and liberals without Italy’s involvement has sparked her ire.

The announcement of the preliminary deal caught the Italian government off guard, with Meloni openly contesting the selection method and expressing her disappointment in the process. She criticized the negotiations for being conducted by a few individuals who claim to speak for everyone, undermining the principles of popular sovereignty and consensus that have traditionally guided EU decisions. Meloni highlighted the lack of inclusion of those on the opposite political side and smaller nations in the decision-making process, calling the situation ‘surreal’.

Meloni believes that the recent agreement overrides the democratic principles and ignores the message delivered by EU citizens through the ballot box. She argues that the rejection of policies pursued by governing forces in large European nations reflects a desire for change, particularly in light of the forces that have influenced EU policies in recent years. She pointedly referenced Germany and France, which played a key role in brokering the EU top jobs deal, revealing her frustration with the direction the negotiations have taken.

Facing isolation within the European Council, Meloni is contemplating a dramatic response, including abstaining from the final decision on the EU top jobs. This potential move could create political fragmentation and highlight Italy’s exclusion from crucial discussions. Reports suggest that Meloni’s decision could have significant implications for the appointment process, as leaders typically seek consensus in selecting top positions. The Italian prime minister’s abstention could disrupt the unity sought during EU appointments.

Efforts to communicate with Meloni regarding the outcome of the negotiations have apparently been unsuccessful, with reports indicating that Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen may need to personally engage with her to secure the support of the Brothers of Italy MEPs. Italy is expected to receive a Commission vice-presidency and relevant portfolio in exchange for backing the top jobs package, but Meloni has emphasized that these roles are rightfully entitled to Italy. She is determined to ensure that Italy receives fair representation and recognition in the decision-making process, highlighting her commitment to upholding Italy’s interests on the European stage.

Meloni’s stance reflects a broader challenge within the EU, where tensions and disagreements over decision-making processes and power dynamics continue to complicate the bloc’s operations. The exclusion of Italy and Meloni from the recent negotiations underscores the complexities of consensus-building and the need for transparent and inclusive decision-making. As Italy navigates its path within the European Council, Meloni’s defiance and determination to assert Italy’s position highlight the ongoing struggle for representation and influence within the EU. The outcome of this dispute and Meloni’s response could shape the future dynamics of EU decision-making and the relationships between member states.

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