Despite the City of Calgary’s urgent request for car wash businesses to remain closed amid water restrictions following a water main break, some car washes have reopened for business. The majority of car washes complied with the city’s request, but some, such as Associated Car Wash in the city’s northeast, have chosen to reopen. This particular car wash had four of its six wash bays open and was busy with cab and livery drivers taking advantage of the service. Kallwant Singh, who works at Associated, stated that they initially closed for a week but decided to reopen after seeing other neighborhood car washes resume operations.
Calgary cab driver Camran Shah explained that he waited as long as he could to wash his car, but ultimately had to do so due to the nature of his job. While he understands and supports the city’s water restrictions on a personal level, he emphasized the importance of maintaining a clean vehicle for his passengers. Global News was able to identify several other car washes across the city that were open for business despite the city’s request. City officials did not have specific numbers on how many car washes were operating, but reiterated that the request for closure still stands.
Calgary Emergency Management Agency Chief Susan Henry emphasized that now is not the time for car washes to be operating and washing vehicles. While there is no formal order in place for car washes to close, the city is requesting cooperation from businesses. The city’s email to car wash businesses highlighted the urgency of the situation and expressed hope that water service to these businesses will not need to be discontinued. City officials are prepared to take action if necessary in order to conserve water during this time of need.
The reopening of some car washes in Calgary has sparked debate about the balance between the city’s need to conserve water and the practical considerations of businesses that rely on car washing services. While some car wash owners have chosen to comply with the request for closure, others have cited the need to keep their businesses operational. The situation has prompted discussions about the responsible use of water resources and the importance of finding a balance between personal needs and broader community concerns during times of scarcity.
It is clear that the issue of car washes continuing to operate in Calgary despite water restrictions is a complex one, with competing interests at play. While the city has made a request for closure, some businesses have chosen to reopen in order to meet the demands of their customers. The city’s emphasis on conserving water during a critical time highlights the importance of cooperation and responsible water usage from all members of the community. Moving forward, it will be important for businesses and residents alike to consider the greater good and make decisions that prioritize the sustainability of water resources for the benefit of all.