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Wisconsin’s concealed-carry and open-carry laws permit people to have guns near the Republican National Convention taking place in the state. Milwaukee’s Police Chief Jeffrey Norman emphasized the importance of adhering to the law and not engaging in any behavior that could be perceived as a threat to the community. Only a small perimeter around the event will restrict the possession of guns. Norman played a significant role in reducing homicides by 40% during a peak of violence in Milwaukee in 2022. However, two teenagers were shot and an unborn baby was killed by police officers chasing a vehicle involved in carjacking incidents.

More than a hundred individuals and organizations have signed up to demonstrate during the convention, according to Nick DeSiato, Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson’s chief of staff. Protests will take place within the security perimeter established by the city and Secret Service, with two designated speaker platforms for demonstrations. There have been no denials of applications for protests to date, and the city is required to abide by state law regarding concealed and open carry of firearms, as outlined in the state Constitution. Pere Marquette Park, designated as a protest zone, has been a point of contention between protesters, the RNC, and the Secret Service.

Events for the Republican National Convention are scheduled to take place inside the Wisconsin Historical Society building, which is in close proximity to Pere Marquette Park. The park has been incorporated into the hard security perimeter due to its location near the convention venue. Republican National Convention coordinator Audrey Gibson-Cicchino stressed the importance of ensuring the safety and security of all attendees, while still upholding their First Amendment rights. The RNC spokesman, Kush Desai, expressed eagerness to collaborate with the Secret Service and local law enforcement to create a positive experience for everyone involved in the convention.

Governor Tony Evers declared a state of emergency ahead of the convention to implement certain security measures, including activating the Wisconsin National Guard if necessary. When asked about the use of the National Guard for convention security, Gibson-Cicchino only mentioned that the Secret Service has a partnership with the force. The focus of the law enforcement and security personnel will be on safeguarding the delegates, guests, officials, media members, and the entire Milwaukee community during the convention. The protection of First Amendment rights and liberties of all individuals involved in the convention is a top priority for the organizers and security personnel.

Overall, the arrangements for security and demonstrations during the Republican National Convention are meticulous and focused on maintaining peace and order while ensuring the safety of all attendees. The delicate balance between upholding constitutional rights and implementing security measures to prevent any potential threats or disruptions is a key consideration for law enforcement and event organizers. Despite the presence of firearms due to Wisconsin’s gun laws, strict guidelines and perimeters are in place to regulate possession at the convention vicinity. The collaborative efforts between various entities involved in the convention, including the Secret Service, local law enforcement, and the National Guard, underscore the commitment to hosting a successful event while prioritizing public safety and security.

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