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Today’s kids are often criticized for being glued to their screens, but one positive aspect of this is that it keeps them indoors and away from the dangerously reckless activities that previous generations engaged in. Members of the BuzzFeed Community shared their wild childhood experiences, including playing tennis with flaming balls soaked in gas, riding in the trunk of a car, exploring sewer tunnels, and climbing a 100-foot-tall water tower without safety measures. These stories highlight the risky behavior that was common among children in the past.

Growing up in the ’60s and ’70s, many individuals engaged in activities that would be considered highly dangerous today. From sitting in the trunk of a car while being driven to playing human Frogger in the middle of a busy street, these experiences were often thrilling but also put the participants at significant risk of harm. Parents allowed their children to participate in activities like sitting in the back of a pickup truck on a frozen lake or going into tunnels without supervision, reflecting a different attitude towards safety during that time.

Some individuals shared memories of playing with fireworks like M-80 firecrackers, creating makeshift weapons with rubber bands and darts, and building go-karts with no brakes. These activities posed serious risks of injury or even death, but for many children, they were exciting and exhilarating. The nostalgia for these dangerous escapades is tempered by the realization of how lucky they were to have escaped serious harm.

Other risky behaviors included climbing trees, riding in shopping carts down hills, and launching oneself off swings. These activities may have seemed harmless at the time but had the potential for disastrous outcomes. The lack of safety precautions and adult supervision meant that children often engaged in activities that could have led to serious injuries or worse.

Looking back on these experiences, many individuals express a mix of nostalgia and horror at the thought of the risks they took as children. The thrill of engaging in dangerous activities was part of growing up for many people, but they recognize that times have changed, and today’s children are not exposed to the same level of risk as they were. While these memories may evoke a sense of adventure and freedom, they also serve as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing safety and responsible behavior.

Overall, the stories shared by members of the BuzzFeed Community highlight the daring and adventurous spirit of past generations, as well as the potential dangers that children were exposed to in their quest for fun and excitement. While the reckless activities of childhood may have been thrilling at the time, they serve as cautionary tales of the importance of taking precautions and ensuring the safety of children in today’s world.

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