In the world of education, a new breed of educator has emerged – AI-savvy teachers armed with powerful prompts for tools like ChatGPT and Google Gemini. These innovative educators are changing the way lessons are taught, and unlocking the full potential of artificial intelligence in the classroom. To uncover the secrets of their success, we have compiled five potent prompts developed by these educators.
The first prompt comes from Matthew Wemyss, an assistant school director, who focuses on integrating AI into educational settings while considering ethical implications. His prompt encourages educators to formulate prompts for platforms like ChatGPT and text-to-image generators, while maintaining respectful and unbiased interactions during sessions.
Incorporating Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) into lessons is crucial for student success, according to Dr. Marina A. Badillo-Diaz. Her prompt helps teachers generate targeted SEL ideas by focusing on specific skills for certain grade levels, allowing educators to easily incorporate SEL into their curriculum.
Amin Teymorian, head of Computer Science at a high school, has created a prompt to help students prepare for college interviews by emulating Oxbridge/Ivy League professors. This prompt encourages students to engage in a serious academic discussion, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a supportive environment.
Jennifer Verschoor, an EdTech leader, has developed a powerful prompt for adapting reading materials to different levels in a specific subject class for students of varying ages. This prompt allows teachers to meet the diverse learning needs within a classroom, ensuring that all students can engage with the material at their own level.
Jason Gulya, an English professor, believes in transforming traditional assignments into dynamic project-based learning experiences. His prompt empowers teachers to create student-centered projects that foster critical skills and motivation, aligning with the principles of autonomy, mastery, and purpose as proposed by Daniel Pink.
AI’s transformative potential in education goes beyond conventional tasks, as demonstrated by a prompt that harnesses the power of AI, design thinking, and personality archetypes to create a virtual innovation group. By embodying diverse perspectives, AI can help navigate each stage of the design process, leading to detailed, practical solutions that can revolutionize the educational landscape. By embracing these powerful AI prompts, educators and homeschoolers can unleash the full potential of artificial intelligence in the classroom.