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Ukrainian forces have successfully captured dozens of Russian troops in the town of Vovchansk, dealing a major blow to Russia’s northern offensive. The Ukrainian troops surrounded as many as 400 Russians in and around a chemical plant in central Vovchansk, with 30 Russians surrendering after rescue attempts failed. This development marks a setback for Russia’s 28-month wider war on Ukraine, as tens of thousands of Russian troops opened a new front attacking south across the border.

The Ukrainians, including elements of the elite 82nd Air Assault Brigade, managed to block the Russian advance just north of the Vovcha River after several weeks of heavy fighting. The Russian forces attempted to capture the PJSC Volchansky chemical plant in the town to launch a river-crossing operation into southern Vovchansk, but were cut off by Ukrainian troops. The Russians’ plans fell apart when Ukrainian forces attacked west of the plant, leaving the surrounded Russians with no chance of evacuation or reinforcements.

Russian commanders attempted to break through the Ukrainian positions to rescue their troops but were repelled by the Ukrainian defense forces. The fact that so many Russians surrendered in Vovchansk, a town that remains contested by both sides, is significant. This unexpected turn of events highlights the unexpected challenges faced by the Russian army in Vovchansk, where they were not supposed to get bogged down.

The Russians’ goals in crossing the border into northern Ukraine last month are not being achieved, with their forces getting blocked, cut off, and forced to surrender. The capture of dozens of Russian troops in Vovchansk signals a potential shift in the ongoing conflict, with the Russian army facing unexpected obstacles and setbacks. It remains to be seen how this development will impact the broader dynamics of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine in the coming days and weeks.

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