The Reddit thread posed the question, “What’s a nonobvious sign someone is rich?” and received numerous interesting responses. One common sign mentioned was that wealthy individuals often wear high-quality, designer clothing without any visible logos or branding. They tend to opt for simple, understated pieces rather than flashy labels. Additionally, rich people may be quiet when discussing the cost of living pressures and deflect questions about their own finances. They may also have expensive hobbies like sailing, skiing, or golfing, especially if these activities are not easily accessible in their area.
Another subtle sign of wealth is the ease with which wealthy individuals move about the world. They exude a certain level of confidence and comfort that is noticeable to those around them. Minimalist homes are also mentioned as a sign of wealth, as many rich people prefer a simple aesthetic with few possessions. This may be due to the fact that those who have money feel more comfortable letting go of material items knowing that they can easily replace them. Additionally, rich people may be selective in choosing their friends, often surrounding themselves with those who share their lifestyle and values.
The condition of someone’s teeth can also be a subtle indicator of wealth, as those who have had access to regular dental care from a young age are likely to have well-maintained, white teeth. The value of their time is another sign, as wealthy individuals tend to pay for simple fixes and hire professionals to take care of tasks that they could easily do themselves. Quality of food is also mentioned, with wealthy individuals often going out of their way to eat fresh, healthy meals with a variety of vegetables.
Some other nonobvious signs of wealth mentioned in the Reddit thread include couches that don’t touch the wall, perfectly tailored clothing that has been altered to fit, and the absence of luggage when traveling by plane. Wealthy individuals may also keep a low profile, driving modest, reliable vehicles that blend in rather than flashy cars that draw attention. Overall, generational wealth often keeps a low profile, with those who are truly wealthy having little to no digital footprint and paying to keep information about themselves off the internet and out of publications.